Accidents happen, and one of the common household mishaps is getting blood on a mattress. Whether it's due to a minor cut, a nosebleed, or any other unexpected event, it's essential to act quickly to remove the bloodstain before it sets and becomes more challenging to remove. In this article, we'll provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to get blood out of mattress, using readily available household items and a few cleaning tips.

Important Note: Always follow the care instructions for your mattress provided by the manufacturer. In most cases, the methods described here are safe for various mattress types, but if you have concerns about your mattress material, consult the manufacturer or a professional cleaning service.

Materials You'll Need:

Cold water

Hydrogen peroxide

Dishwashing detergent

Clean, white towels or paper towels

Baking soda

A spray bottle

A plastic or glass mixing bowl

Step 1: Act Quickly

The key to effectively removing a bloodstain from a mattress is to start the cleaning process as soon as possible. Fresh blood is easier to remove than dried blood, so don't delay.

Step 2: Blot, Don't Rub